Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Chief Loh Songs

  Recently, Chief Loh has put out a song on called, 'Fallen', which is mostly an instrumental, but has a few words in the middle section.  We also put out 'Of Blood', which is about family dynamics.  Most recently, we put out a song called, 'Own You (Don't Let Them).  It is about being your own person and not caring what others think of you.  Kayla just keeps getting better at music production.  She is the heart of Chief Loh.  She composes, records, mixes and produces our music.  I'm mainly just a lyricist and I usually come up with the vocal melody and harmonies.  Sometimes I come up with the bass line, but that is the extent of my involvement with the music.
  The other day, an actress commissioned Chief Loh to retool our song, 'Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon' to include a producer friend of hers who has also acted in a few movies.  She wants this to be a Christmas present for him.  We're hoping that this producer friend will want to use our music for his movies.  She already played our song for him and he really liked it.  This could be the foot in the door we've been waiting for.  I'm deliberately not dropping names here.  For one thing, that's tacky, and for another thing, we won't be uploading this retooled song to because we'd like to respect the privacy of those involved.

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